
Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Disabled Java for the in-game web browser
Team Fortress 2
- Added support for running VR mode on the Oculus Rift
- Fixed a server crash related to game stats
- Fixed custom paint not showing in the tool tip when you mouse-over an item in your backpack
- Fixed the Spy not holding sappers correctly in third person
- Fixed a bug where sentries would not rotate to face their target under some circumstances
- Fixed a scoreboard bug where domination count was reduced by 2 when a dominated player left the server
- Fixed the Fists of Steel not reducing damage from ranged weapons that use energy rings
- Fixed the death notice icon for the Eureka Effect
- Fixed the Neon Annihilator sometimes floating in the world after death
- Fixes for strange parts:
- The Big Earner can no longer accept Long-Distance Kills strange parts
- The Festive Grenade Launcher can now accept Critical Kills strange parts
- The Neon Annihilator can now accept Sappers Destroyed strange parts
- Removed some description text from the Manmelter that incorrectly stated its projectiles could not be deflected
- Updated the Blind Justice so it can be equipped with other misc-slot items on the Demoman's face
- Updated the backpack image for the Upgrade to Premium Gift item
- Updated Mann Vs. Machine
- Fixed the boss health bar sometimes disappearing
- Fixed the uber Medics in Wave 4 of the Broken Parts mission charging at the incorrect rate
- Updated the localization files

Скидки с 18 по 24 марта 2013 года
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Team Fortress 2 Update Released
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:- Unlocked the "What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?"
- Added new promo Items
- Removed Salvage Crate #40, Crate #49 and Crate #54 from the drop list
- Added Salvage Crate #50, Crate #56, and Crate #57 to the drop list
- Updated the localization files

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Release Notes for 3/11/2013[ MISC ]
- Fixed the end match map vote sometimes selecting the wrong map as winner
- Fixed a crash in dedicated servers related to the end match map vote
- Players can no longer cast a vote outside the range of maps in the end match map vote list

Скидки с 11 по 17 марта 2013 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе или продлении хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Left 4 Dead 2 — скидка 20%
Left 4 Dead — скидка 25%
Deathmatch Classic — скидка 30%

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Release Notes for 3/8/2013[ MISC ]
- The convar mp_endmatch_votenextmap (defaults to 1) is now accessible to everyone.
- If a server is running a map group with more than 10 maps in it, a random set of 10 maps will be selected from the group and will be shown to clients at the end of the match in the map vote list.
- Added mp_endmatch_votenextmap_keepcurrent (defaults to 1) that forces the current map to stay in the list of end match voting options. If not set, the current map is not guaranteed to be in the list and will randomly enter the list like any other map.
- Resolved a few bugs with the new random map selection.

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Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Improved performance for the Linux version
Team Fortress 2
- Fixed a problem that was preventing some older demos from being played
- Fixed a client/server crash when a flamethrower gets destroyed while firing
- Fixed missing buttons on the item import tool
- Removed the promo restrictions from the Shred Alert, the Brutal Bouffant, and the Buck Turner All-Stars
- Updated the Vaccinator with its own uber-off sound and a sound when toggling resist types
- Updated some of the animations for the Shred Alert taunt
- Updated a couple HUD panels to support team scores with more than two digits

Обновление панели управления (v2.43 Beta)
Сегодня вышло очередное обновление нашей панели управления игровыми серверами.Список изменений следующий:
+ Для игр на движках GoldSource, Source, IW, Unreal создан раздел «HTTP доступ», в котором можно создавать публичный HTTP доступ к папкам своего игрового сервера.
+ (DayZ) Добавлена поддержка версии «DayZ Mod v1.7.6.1» и «ArmA2:OA v1.62.102285».
• При обновлении серверов не поддерживающих автоматическое обновление в «События и логи» сделан вывод информации о версии сервера, на которую обновляется сервер.
Из всех изменений наиболее интересно добавление для игр на движках GoldSource, Source, IW, Unreal раздела «HTTP доступ», в котором можно создавать публичный HTTP доступ к папкам своего игрового сервера. Опытные администраторы уже оценили нововведение, а новичкам совсем скоро мы напишем небольшие мануальчики по организации «быстрой загрузки» на ваших игровых серверах.

Всего записей — 326, показано с 151 по 160