
Скидки с 25 ноября по 2 декабря 2012 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе или продлении хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Alien Swarm — скидка 15%
Half-Life: Opposing Force — скидка 25%
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad — скидка 35%

Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released
Updates to Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Shared Changes (DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Fixed a client crash when launching the game
Day of Defeat: Source
- Fixed the film-grain effect not drawing properly

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Fixed a client crash in the sound emitter
Team Fortress 2
- Fixed a dedicated server hang in bot pathfinding
- Fixed the tf_zombie entity crashing some servers
- Added a new item to the store "Upgrade to Premium Gift"
- Increased the maximum size of backpacks from 1000 to 2000

Left 4 Dead 2 - Update
- Fixed the Tank's primary attack sometimes choosing different sequences between the client and server. Fixes hit traces not always matching the visible animation.- Fixed the Tank's left-handed attack using the right hand's position for hit traces.
- Player-controlled Tanks now always choose the right arm horizontal swing sequence for primary attacks. Fixes some attacks not connecting when it appears they should have, due to the inability to predict which swing animation would be randomly chosen.

Обновление панели управления (v2.37 Beta)
Сегодня вышло очередное обновление нашей панели управления игровыми серверами.Список изменений следующий:
+ (COD4) Добавлен плагин «CoDJumper 3.12b».
+ (KF) Добавлен плагин «RPG Mod 2.0».
+ (MINECRAFT) Добавлены версии «CraftBukkit v1.3.2-R2.0 #2396», «CraftBukkit v1.3.2-R3.0 #2403», «Minecraft v1.4.2», «CraftBukkit v1.4.2-R2.0-beta #2455», «Minecraft v1.4.4» и «CraftBukkit v1.4.4-R0.1-dev #2469».
+ (CODMW3) Добавлена поддержка 1.9.453 версия игры.
Так же произошли некоторые изменения в заказе серверов: минимальное количество слотов для заказа Minecraft сервера сокращено с 16 до 12 шт., а минимальное количество слотов для заказа San Andreas Multiplayer сервера наоборот увеличено с 30 до 50 шт.
Кроме этого была проведена работа на веб-сервере, на котором размещен сайт и панель управления. Теперь панель не тормозит и все летает, надеемся, Вы это уже заметили.

Скидки с 19 по 25 ноября 2012 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе или продлении хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Counter-Strike — скидка 15%
Day of Defeat — скидка 25%
Ricochet — скидка 35%

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Release Notes for 11/16/2012[ MISC ]
- Eliminated the vignette effect from the scoreboard.
- Scoreboard has been narrowed.
- Smoke grenade visibility on the edges of smokes has been adjusted to obscure vision less.
- Improved some cases of particle sorting between smoke and molotovs and other particle systems.
- Adjusted the loser bonus for Terrorists when time has run out. Surviving Terrorists get no income, but dead teammates receive a normal payout.
- Removed match start and round end info panel animation sfx.

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Fixed an audio problem for Mac users
- Added a new ConVar sv_shutdown_timeout_minutes
- Forces a server to shutdown if it has been requested to do so, even if the server is not empty
Team Fortress 2
- Added new promo items
- Fixed a crash in the class loadout panel for Mac users
- Fixed a dedicated server memory leak when running Mann vs. Machine mode
- Fixed tf_forced_holiday not properly forcing the holiday mode
- Fixed an Mann vs. Machine exploit that allowed permanent ubercharge/critboost effects on non-Mann-Up servers.
- Added missing style names for the Plutonidome, Sir Hootsalot, and the Bat Outta Hell
- Fixed column header labels being clipped in the scoreboard
- Fixed a dedicated server performance issue related to bots
- Fixed an incorrect texture for the Jumper's Jeepcap
- Fixed team colors for the Voodoo JuJu (Slight Return)
- Updated the localization files
- Updated cp_gullywash_final1
- Fixed the large curved railing in the Blu Base to mirror the railing in the Red Base
- Fixed Red Capture Point 2 to prevent capping through a wall behind the point

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Release Notes for 11/15/2012[ GOTV ]
- As a GOTV client spectator, the flangbang effect from first person is now reduced a bit and there is now text that says "(BLINDED)"
- Fixed overhead targetIDs not showing sometimes when spectating with XRay mode on.
- Added a convar "cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec" that can set the max distance overhead TargetIDs will show up when spectating
- Changed player target selection input from hardcoded number keys to keys bound to "slotN" commands.
- Changed X-Ray toggle key from hardcoded 'X' to whatever is bound for "radio2", which defaults to 'X'.
- Fixed health/armor/ammo of the spectated target not being displayed as a GOTV client.
- Made bomb visible in GOTV clients' map overview at all times.
- Fixed money not showing up in GOTV scoreboard for either teams.
- Fixed flashbang effect flash retriggering when changing spectator target.
- Fixed missing winpanel when GOTV spectating.
- Revised GOTV autodirector behavior.
[ MISC ]
- Repacked content to reduce CS:GO disk usage from 6GB to 4.8GB.
- Implemented separate sound for distant grenade explosions to make the distance easier to gauge. Sound crossfades near and distance sound between 800 and 2800 units.
- Reduced audible distance of scope zoom.
- Fire devices have been modified ( Molotovs and incendiary grenades ):
- Fire can now be extinguished by smoke grenades and deployed smokes now deny fire device detonation and spreading.
- Fire now spreads a bit faster and not quite as far.
- Fire "tagging" slowdown has been removed.
- Adjusted fire armor penetration value.
- Fixed Terrorists getting loser bonus payout for running down the clock. Now Terrorists get no income if the round timer runs out.
- Armor Penetration is now shown for weapons in the buy menu.
- 3rd person and first person default duck speed has been slightly increased.
- Tapping the duck key frequently in short intervals will cause your duck to slow, but cools down very fast.
- Smoke grenade visibility inside a smoke has been reduced to give less advantage to players inside and more to players outside.
- Design changes for Scoreboard
- Added team names to scoreboard.
- Made score more prominent.
- Win banner states are now team specific.
- Design change for win panel and alert messages.
- Server log changes:
- Added xyz coordinates to messages.
- Added nade messages.
- Added team change messages.
- Added 'assist' messages.
- Fixed a case of loss of mouse and keyboard input.
- Server browser filter settings are now saved.
- Big Picture Support
- Fixed not being able to dismiss server browser dialog with controller.
- Added ability to disable all controllers.
Thanks to the following for input on the balance changes:
NiP, Ubinited, Team ALTERNATE, Area51, Mousesports, Anexis, FM.TOXiC, VeryGames, RegnaM.

Скидки с 12 по 18 ноября 2012 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе или продлении хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Team Fortress 2 — скидка 15%
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch — скидка 25%
D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up — скидка 35%

Всего записей — 326, показано с 221 по 230