
Скидки с 7 по 13 января 2013 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе или продлении хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Counter-Strike: Source — скидка 15%
Age Of Chivalry — скидка 25%
Day of Defeat: Source — скидка 35%

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Release Notes for 12/24/2012[ MISC ]
* Added the ability to commend and report players from the player details view that can be accessed in the scoreboard.
* Number of competitive wins, and unique commendations are now shown in the main menu along with skill group.
* Competitive scoreboard will show number of competitive wins needed to display your skill group if you have not displayed it yet.
* Fixed movement on ladders ignoring the walk button. Now climbing ladders while holding walk is slow and silent, which fixes previous exploit of being able to climb ladders at fullspeed without making sound.
* Fixed failure to fire after weapon switching away from a reload and back (fake-reloading).
* Whitelisted tv_password convar to set GOTV password.
* Reduced fps in main menu when not connected to a server from 300 fps to 120 fps to help with laptops and desktop video cards doing excessive work. Exposed fps_max_menu convar to control fps in main menu.
* Added one more minute of grace period for players to reconnect to their competitive match before a cooldown for failing to reconnect is assigned. Cooldown for failing to reconnect is now assigned after player has remained disconnected for at least 4 minutes, not counting the round of disconnection and not counting the round in which 4 minutes grace period elapses.
* Fixed Hammer crash on exit.
* Added some holiday cheer.

Новогодние скидки
Дорогие друзья!Представляем Вашему вниманию новогодние скидки на хостинг игровых серверов.
C 24 декабря 2012 года по 6 января 2013 года Вас ожидает 25% скидка на заказ и продление ЛЮБЫХ игровых серверов (при оплате на срок от трех месяцев).
С наступающим Новым 2013 Годом!

Counter-Strike swds.dll fix by Crock v5758
В мире Counter-Strike появилась новая уязвимость, которая позволяет злоумышленнику изменять на вашем игровом сервере конфигурационные файлы, motd, rcon и т.п.Для предотвращение изменений злоумышленниками конфигурационных и прочих файлов необходимо перейти в панель управления и установить плагин swds.dll fix by Crock v5758.

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Updated some Big Picture features
- Additional improvements for client stability
Team Fortress 2
- Australian Christmas has begun!
- Added community-contributed winter event items
- Added three new community weapons
- The Vaccinator
- The Loose Cannon
- The Rescue Ranger
- Added Naughty and Nice winter keys to the Mann Co. Store
- Mann Vs. Machine
- Added a new tour of duty with unique loot:
- Operation Mecha Engine, with 3 new advanced skill missions
- New map mvm_bigrock
- New Engineer Botkiller items
- Added new Engineer robot
- Added a new tour of duty with unique loot:
- Added new Strange Filter items to the Mann Co. Store to support community map makers
- Added new checkout dialogs and taunt-activated effect to raise awareness for Community Map Stamps
- Added +context_action command (defaults to X for controllers). This will use the action slot if your Canteen contains a charge and will taunt otherwise3
- Added +attack3 command (defaults to middle-mouse button)
- Added Adult Swim items to the Mann Co. Store
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to be permanently invulnerable
- Fixed the Pyro’s airblast not working correctly when facing downhill
- Made Force-A-Nature pushback more consistent
- Updated pl_barnblitz
- Fixed various map exploits
- Updated sd_doomsday
- Fixed various map exploits
- Updated the localization files

Manu Admin Mod v0.11.5 beta
В панель управления Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare серверов добавлена новая версия Manu Admin Mod v0.11.5 beta. Настоятельно рекомендуем обновится.

Скидки с 17 по 23 декабря 2012 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе или продлении хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Counter-Strike: Source v34 — скидка 15%
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch — скидка 25%
Deathmatch Classic — скидка 35%

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Release Notes for 12/12/2012[ GAMEPLAY ]
-Merged elements of Volcano's DE_NUKE_VE map into standard DE_NUKE.
-In the main menus, replaced mapgroup carousel with a map picker. Players can now select which maps they want to match-make into.
-Maps in map picker show expected wait time.
[ MISC ]
-Improved performance in CPU-bound cases.
-Fixed missing ladder sound when moving at full speed on ladders.
-Added support for muting microphone in play with friends lobby.
-Fixed cases where spectator UI wouldn't appear during GOTV demo playback.
-Fix for crash caused by extinguished fire.
-ESC key now closes Server Browser dialog.
-Made CHudMenu have input priority over Scaleform.
-Reduced default vgui font size for resolutions >1600.
-Whitelisted mp_match_restart_delay.
-Limiting physics timestep to 64 to eliminate high tickrate physics bugs, such as bouncing guns.
-Server no longer creates physics objects for players to reduce server cpu load. To re-enable, set cs_enable_player_physics_box to '1'.

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Fixed a hang on start-up with non-scalable bitmap fonts
- Fixed crash on start-up when joysticks are attached
Team Fortress 2
- Added a prompt to turn on controller mode when using Big Picture
- Increased console font size for the Linux version
- Fixed some problems caused by disabling controller mode
- Fixed missing HUD sounds for Engineer building status panel
- Fixed the Spy version of the tf_zombie entity not using the correct skin
- Fixed international keyboard chat and console input for the Linux version

Left 4 Dead 2 - Update
- Updated menu navigation for Big Picture Mode so the joystick doesn't always have to be active
Всего записей — 326, показано с 201 по 210