
KillingFloor на SteamCMD Update Tool
Сегодня игровые сервера KillingFloor перешли на новый метод обновления игровых серверов в Steam — SteamCMD Update Tool. В связи с этим, изменилась их файловая структура, что привело к различным проблемам. Рекомендуем сохранить конфигурационные файлы текущих серверов, после чего переустановить их и настроить заново.

Обновление плагина «GameTech WarMod» с 3.0.13 до 3.1.7 версии
Доступно обновление плагина «GameTech WarMod» с 3.0.13 до 3.1.7 версии. Для обновления перейдите в опции сервера панели управления, раздел «Разное» и нажмите кнопку «Обновить».

zBlock 4.67 released
Плагин zBlock 4.67 доступен для установки через панель управления.Перед установкой новой версии не забудьте удалить старую.
Changelog 4.66 -> 4.67
-Fixed compatibility issues following the 03/07/12 game update.
-Added a barrel which wasn't being removed to zb_removals internal list.
-Added "zbgamedata" file which will allow vmt offsets to be changed by server ops when game updates arrive (this is mainly so LANs aren't interrupted, automated system in a future release).
-Locked "sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov 2" in warmode.
-Added visibility of the "sv_clockcorrection_msecs" cvar value in the console welcome message.

Alien Swarm SDK Update
- Added shader source code.- Matchmaking system supports mods with more than 4 players.
- Mods store their config.cfg separately from the base game.

Обновление плагина «SourceMod» с 1.4.1 до 1.4.4 версии
Доступно обновление плагина «SourceMod» с 1.4.1 до 1.4.4 версии. Для обновления перейдите в опции сервера панели управления, раздел «Разное» и нажмите кнопку «Обновить».

Team Fortress 2 Update Released
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:- Added new options for Pyrovision to the Advanced Options dialog
- Added enable/disable for the HUD border
- Added the ability to make the HUD border static
- Added the ability to turn off the skybox depth of field
- Fixed The Sandvich and The Buffalo Steak Sandvich using the wrong models when thrown
- Fixed not seeing the blue team skin for the Robot Chicken Hat
- Fixed not seeing team colors on the sleeves for The Equalizer and The Escape Plan
- Fixed The Escape Plan allowing medic calls
- Fixed The Beggar's Bazooka exploding on random targets in the world when overloading
- Fixed The Hitman's Heatmaker bodyshot damage penalty affecting the Sniper's other weapons
- Fixed The Amputator's radius heal effect applying to players who have The Escape Plan deployed
- Fixed the Rainblower taunt attacking players through walls
- Optimized the Rainblower taunt particles
- Updated Sd_Doomsday
- Fixed rocket lid staying open sometimes after a player drops the Australium on the lift
- Fixed case where the lift could continue traveling up when a player with the Australium died at the same time he touched the lift
- Updated the localization files
- Updated the gamehaptics file:
- Added recoil/reload/draw/crit forces for the Baby Face's Blaster
- Added new recoil forces for The Beggar's Bazooka, The Cleaner's Carbine, The Hitman's Heatmaker, The Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol and The Scorch Shot
- Added more detail to the reloads for the Scattergun, the Baby Face's Blaster, the SMG, and The Cleaner's Carbine

Counter-Strike — обновление безопасности (v57)
Недавно Valve выпустило обновление безопасности серверов Counter-Strike. Настоятельно рекомендуем обновить свои игровые сервера.Для обновления игрового сервера перейдите в панель управления, опции сервера, вкладку «Обновление».

TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM, CS:S Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM, CS:S)
- Fixed a problem that allowed spoofed IP addresses to make connections to the game server
Team Fortress 2
- Teddy Roosebelt can now get assists in Pyrovision
- Fixed Pyrovision sometimes activating in killcams for more than just weapons and cosmetics
- Fixed exploit where the Scorch Shot could fire its short range kill pellet at the very beginning of the taunt
- Fixed blood getting sprayed on the world in some cases in Low Violence and Pyrovision
- Fixed decapitations creating head gibs in Low Violence and Pyrovision
- Fixed Hitman’s Heatmaker headshot not properly getting counted on the scoreboard
- Fixed tracers being fired for other weapons (SMGs) while in focus
- Fixed Sydney Sleeper’s bonus not properly protecting against Decapitating Headshots
- Added team color to rainbow-showered players in Pyrovision
- Updated localization files
Counter-Strike: Source
- Added ConVars sv_rcon_maxpacketsize and sv_rcon_maxpacketbans to allow server admins to control the maximum RCON packet size and whether or not users get banned for exceeding that limit. The defaults reflect the existing behavior.
- Fixed not being able to import custom spray images on Macs
- Fixed Macs cancelling http map downloads that take longer than 30 seconds
- Updated the HTML renderer for displaying server MOTD

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: DM Updates
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Added ConVars sv_rcon_maxpacketsize and sv_rcon_maxpacketbans to allow server admins to control the maximum RCON packet size and whether or not users get banned for exceeding that limit. The defaults reflect the existing behavior.
- Fixed not being able to import custom spray images on Macs
- Fixed Macs cancelling http map downloads that take longer than 30 seconds
Team Fortress 2
- Added Pyrovision!
- Added new game mode Special Delivery and map Doomsday!
- Friendly players glow when carrying the flag
- Fixed rare cases where flag could fall out of the world
- Fixed cases where the Payload HUD looked like the cart is still on a hill when it isn't
- Fixed cases where some clients didn't receive broadcasts about long continuous particle effects being started or stopped
- Updated the HTML renderer for displaying server MOTD
- Votes created by a dedicated server no longer trigger a failed vote cooldown
- Fixed map triggered annotation events not working on dedicated servers
- Fixed the game crashing if tempents are created that use invalid materials
- Using a Name Tag while in game notifies everyone of the name change
- Fixed Strange Part: Projectiles Reflected not tracking grenade and sentry rocket deflections
- Added new itemsЧитать далее... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
29.06.2012 16:20
Counter-Strike MastaMan plugins backdoors
Появилась небезосновательная информация о том, что практически во всех AMX плагинах переделанных телом с ником MastaMan находятся так называемые Backdoor'ы (вредоносный код). По сети эти плагины распространяются с сайта http://amx-server.blogspot.com/. Эти плагины можно скачать и с давно известных уважаемых ресурсов, и даже в нашей панели управления поселился один из этих плагинов — UAIO Admin Menu R3 (MastaMan Edition).
Уважаемые клиенты, настоятельно рекомендуем Вам удалить со своих серверов все подобные плагины. Будьте бдительны!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Всего записей — 326, показано с 311 по 320