
Left 4 Dead 2 - Update Released
- Fixed player movement using joystick settings when playing with keyboard and mouse.- Fixed a secure convar warning when scrolling the mouse wheel as a player infected.

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Fixed the "disconnect" command regression from the previous update
- Fixed tools like vbsp working with new model format
- Fixed a con_logfile ConVar exploit
Team Fortress 2
- Fixed a common "FindModel" crash for replays
- Fixed the Crafty Hair not using styles for the yellow and brown hair
- Improved the "Restore" UI for customizing items in backpack
- Fixed floating arrows on carried objects
- Mann vs. Machine
- Added a penalty system to deter players from repeatedly abandoning Mann Up games
- Corrected the respawn time for the Mannslaughter mission
- Updated MissionCycle behavior. Servers will always cycle to a mission listed in the MissionCycle file.

Left 4 Dead 2 - Update Released
- Enable controller navigation of menus to support Big Picture mode.- Allow client menus to execute restricted client commands.
- Fixed special infected not catching fire if they were already burning from incendiary ammo.
- Hunter and Jockey won't be killed if slashed mid-leap by another infected.
- Infected damage applied to a Jockey rider is ignored for the Jockey and no longer passed on to the Survivor. This fixes Jockey victims being subject to double damage from infected attacks and instant incap from Tanks.
- Tweaked boss zombie spawn timing in Versus to prevent the Tank spawning as soon as the Survivors exit the safe room.
- Fixed the first maps in Dead Center and Swamp Fever not using the boss spawning rules for starting maps, which are more restrictive than other maps.

Скидки с 15 по 21 октября 2012 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе или продлении хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare — скидка 15%
Terraria — скидка 25%
Team Fortress 2 — скидка 35%

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Release notes for 10/11/2012[ Minor Fixes ]
-Fixed bomb defusal resetting when a server lags below 20fps.
-Fixed a case where the round and timer were not being updated when spectating.
-Fixed another case where warmup alerts panel didn't show for late joiners.
-Fixed a crash that would happen when you died that associated with the spectator panel.
-Fixed general scaleform crashes.
-Made radio commands also selectable via the keypad numbers.
-Fixed enemies on radar that were above/below you showing their up/down indicators rotated.
-Made alive/dead state on the spectator UI easier to read.
-Replaced mp_teamname_t and mp_teamname_ct with mp_teamname_1 and mp_teamname_2 to disambiguate convars from sides in a mode that supports team switching at halftime. Now the names follow the teams after the switch. ( mp_teamname_1 is the team that first plays CT ).
-Changed spectator HUD to show which primary weapon each player has purchased during freeze time.
-Made spectator HUD show all grenades carried by each player.
[ Classic Competitive Changes ]
-Added an explanation about competitive mode rules to better explain its difference from other modes.
-Added save/restore of cash for competitive matches: When a player disconnects and reconnects in competitive mode, their pre-disconnect money will now be preserved.
-Added a button requiring players to ready-up when a competitive match is found. When all 10 players ready-up then the matchmaking servers lock them in for the match. Abandoning at any point after clicking the ACCEPT button will result in Competitive cooldown.
-Increased competitive cooldowns to 30 minutes for first offense, 2 hours for second offense and so on.
-Kicking a player no longer offers a vote to continue. The game will proceed with a bot in place of the kicked player.

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Fixed HTTP downloads on Mac not sending an HTTP referer
Team Fortress 2
- Updated materials/models for the Champ Stamp, King of Scotland Cape, Stovepipe Sniper Shako, and Freedom Staff
- Fixed a server crash that could occur if a Spy was disguised holding the Gunslinger
- Fixed the Lacking Moral Fiber Mask being tagged as a misc item instead of a hat
- Fixed the Gunslinger not accepting "Sappers Removed" strange parts
- Overhealed players that are bleeding or on fire can now pickup healthkits to remove these conditions
- Added tf_dingalingaling_repeat_delay (default 0) which limits how often the dingalingaling sound can play
- Removed outdated tip about the Spy's Enforcer
- Updated the localization files
- Vote system
- Allow kicking of connected players that haven't joined a team in Mann vs. Machine
- Added sv_vote_issue_kick_spectators_mvm (default 0) which allows players to kick anyone that isn't team invaders, as long as they've passed the sv_vote_issue_kick_min_connect_time_mvm timer, if enabled
- Mann vs. Machine
- Added two new tours of duty, each with new unique loot:
- Operation Oil Spill, with 6 new intermediate skill missions
- Operation Gear Grinder, with 3 new expert skill missions
- If a player connects to a MvM game through matchmaking and loses their connection, their spot will be held for a brief duration and they will be given a chance to reconnect
- After victory on a Mann Up server, the players will be put into a lobby together.
- Improved matchmaking searching status screen
- Added two new tours of duty, each with new unique loot:
- Mann vs. Machine balance changes:
- Explosive Headshots
- damage is now 150 regardless of upgrade level
- damage is done in one tick instead of the previous six
- added a slowing effect based on upgrade level (50%-80% slow, 2-4 second duration)
- radius still scales with upgrade level (unchanged)
- Marked For Death duration reduced to 7 seconds from 15 seconds when the target is a giant robot
- Reduced the "effect bar recharge rate increased" upgrade from 20% increments with an 80% cap to 15% increments with a 60% cap
- Explosive Headshots

Скидки с 8 по 14 октября 2012 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе или продлении хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Counter-Strike: Source — скидка 15%
Counter-Strike: Source v34 — скидка 25%
Eternal Silence — скидка 35%

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
[ Minor Fixes ]* All information required to reconnect to a competitive match is now also saved to a file on disk so that disconnected players could reconnect sooner to their ongoing game on the official dedicated game server even before connectivity with matchmaking servers is established.
* Increased grace period for disconnected players to 3 minutes.
* Message that refers to disconnected player now uses player's name rather than the generic term 'player.'
* Fixed the alerts panel not showing alerts consistently
* Made vote panel display whether you voted yes or no as well as flash each choice as people vote
* If a vote is team only (like a 'kick') then the other team will now see that a vote is in progress.

Left 4 Dead 2 - Update
- Allow custom radial menus to execute restricted client commands

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Release Notes for 10/3/2012[ Minor Fixes ]
-Added a vote to continue playing competitive match with bots after a human player abandons the match, unanimous agreement of remaining human players is required to continue playing with bots.
-Reduced time required for confirming match when searching for competitive players and servers.
-Improved overall search times in competitive queue mode.
-Added a client message when the wamup period ends.
-Extended competitive match warmup period to 90 seconds.
-Message of the day will automatically dismiss itself when competitive match starts.
-Added an explanation to competitive cooldown timer for clients.
-Added a condition to apply competitive cooldown to players who have disconnected from the match.
-Implemented scaling cooldown periods for repeat incidences.
-Rearranged props below the boost-up ladder to prevent players jumping onto the ladder without boosting
-Clipped off various tiny ledges
-Made small props protruding from walls non-solid
-Fixed visible nodraw in ceiling hole
-Fixed a long standing bug where you could lose mouse input when you got to the team select screen.
-Fixed a bug where the color correction during freeze time did not account for the players also being invulnerable during the new warmup - this fixed the CC gap at the start.
-Fixed some bugs relating to the warmup notification not reliably showing for late joiners.
-The chat now displays when the warmup has ended, just like when it is in progress.

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