
Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Fixed dedicated servers not being able to set sv_region
Team Fortress 2
- Fixed Replay/SourceTV clients getting kicked when quickplay servers hibernate

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)- Fixed Unicode characters getting stripped from player names
- Added sv_namechange_cooldown_seconds, to throttle clients from changing their name too rapidly. (Defaults to 20 seconds)
- Added sv_netspike_on_reliable_snapshot_overflow to selectively enable the automatic dumping of netspike file if a client drops due to "reliable snapshot overflow" (defaults to 0, which disables the debugging)
- Added check to prevent player names from containing color codes
- setinfo console command will now reject attempts to set / change convars with any unusual characters
Team Fortress 2
- Fix a bug that caused gameservers to not properly receive client inventory updates. (Frequent cause of the "The server you are playing on has lost connection to the item server" error message.)
- Fixed not being able to equip all-class items properly
- Fixed the DX8 water effect
- Fixed the Beggar's Bazooka misfiring with 100% crits after firing a crit rocket
- Fixed the Strange Sandman not accepting the Posthumous Kills strange part

Garry's Mod Update Released (v1.0.38.0)
Updates to Garry's Mod have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:- Fixed server crash when over 32 players

Журнал событий
В панеле управления появилась вкладка «журнал», в которой ведется учет значимых событий, которые происходят под вашей учетной записью.

Изменения в предоставлении FTP доступа
Сегодня произошли некоторые изменения в предоставлении FTP доступа.Полный FTP доступ заменяется общим FTP доступом. Если раньше общий FTP доступ был максисмально ограничен, то теперь он равноценен полному FTP доступу. В связи со сменой логинов, все текущие FTP аккаунты были удалены. Создать FTP аккаунт Вы можете как и прежде, в панеле управления.

Изменен регламент работы технической поддержки
На странице контактов обновлена информация о регламенте работы технической поддержки, просим ознакомиться. В связи с произошедшими изменениями добавлена новая услуга — администрирование игровых серверов.

Team Fortress 2, DoD: Source and Half-Life 2: DM Updates Released
Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)- Fixed a client crash on exit (after connecting to a server using sv_pure)

Alien Swarm Update (content v16)
- Added latest localization files.- Fixed a crash when viewing the Achievements screen in a non-English language.

Team Fortress 2 Update Released (v1.2.1.9)
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:- Added Pyromania cosmetic items to the Mann Co. store
- All ash-related items have been faded away to dust
- Fixed Strange Escape Plans not counting kills
- Fixed missing strings for the ESL medals

Team Fortress 2 Update Released (v1.2.1.8)
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:- Added the ESL Season VI and Season VII medals
- Fixed a client/server crash when re-connecting to the item server
- Fixed The Business Casual tie not being blue for the Blue team
- Fixed body groups not hiding correctly on ragdolls

Всего записей — 326, показано с 301 по 310