
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
[ NEW FEATURES AND CONTENT ]-Replaced Competitive mode "Join in Progress" matchmaking system with "Queued" matchmaking.
-Searching for a Competitive game, either from "Find a Game" or "Play with Friends," will enter the player/s ( between 1 and 5 ) into a waiting queue. Once 10 compatible players are found then the game will begin.
-Players that disconnect from a match can reconnect to it from the main menu or abandon it. Abandoning a game will result in a cooldown period during which no new competitive match can be joined.
-Note: Elo will be recalibrated for the new matchmaking system over the coming weeks.
-New maps:
-de_vertigo is now available for Classic Casual and Classic Competitive.
-ar_monastery is now available for Arms Race.
-Weapon changes:
-Reduced p90 kill award from 300% of default to 200%.
-Reduced other SMG kill awards from 300% of default to 200%.
-Increased Bizon kill award from default to 200%.
-Reduced all shotguns' price by 300.
-Guns are now considered "reloaded" at the point during the reload animation in which they visually appear to be reloaded - this allows you to switch away from a gun after the new magazine has been entered without having to wait until the whole reload animation has finished * the weapon refire delay after starting a reload is not affected.
-Fixed HUD not showing during demo playback.
-Changes to Matchmaking Lobby
-Removed global Join Button and added Join Buttons for individual friends in the Invite Friends section.
-Join state is now visible when you browse the friends list.
-Removed global Steam Profile button and added ability to click on any avatar image to see Steam Profile.
-Removed global Invite Button and added Invite Buttons for individual friends in the Invite Friends section.
-Added new feature section to the main menu
-Fixed issue that caused doors and other "pusher" entities to move at the wrong speed when the tick rate was > 64 Hz.
-Fixed post-process blur effect getting enabled (and left on) during demo playback if the player invoked the buy menu.
-Fixed MOTD on OSX.
-Fixed scoreboard getting stuck in toggle mode after halftime sometimes.
-Fixed ability to connect to community servers using server browser from in*game pause menu.
-Fixed exploit where models could be subsituted via a hardware performance setting.
-Fixed memory corruption related to bots cleaning up their occupied nav areas.
-Fixed spectator glow materials not being precached.
-Resolved several minor bugs to clean up console spew on launch and map load.
-Fixed a crash associated with targetIDs and the sv_competitive_official_5v5 convar.
-Votes that match or exceed the number needed to succeed now end the vote early instead of waiting for the timer to expire.
-The radar now displays when a player or bomb is above and below you.
-Reduced the aim punch that happens when shot in arms and legs as well as in the chest/stomach when wearing chest armor.
-Slightly increased the velocity boost grenades get when thrown by moving players.
-Fixed in-game voice chat not working with some microphones on OSX.
-Added convars mp_teamname_t and mp_teamname_ct that allow overriding team names on the scoreboard.
-Fixed grenade bounce being significantly reduced when tossed at the ground at most angles.
-Fixed not being able to vote when spectating/observing or when the scoreboard was up.
-Changes to warmup period:
-Players now respawn in the warmup period.
-Warmup periods now only end when the warmup time expires.
-Warmup period no longer allows friendly fire.
-The community server browser warning pop*up can now be dismissed and told to never show again.
-There is now a visual and audible change in place of the silence on planted c4 when its about to explode.
-Fixed the medals on the main menu showing the wrong categories.
-The Buy Previous hotkey in the buy menu now only buys things that you purchased in the previous round.
-Fixed an exploit that let players infinitely spawn golden knives.
-Fixed a case where if all players on both teams had the same clan team name the were considered on the same team.
-Fixed a crash on startup when launching a game by joining a game server from Steam.

Обновление панели управления (v2.36 Beta)
Сегодня вышло очередное обновление нашей панели управления игровыми серверами.Список изменений следующий:
+ (CSS) Добавлены плагины «Metamod:Source 1.9.0», «SourceMod 1.4.7-hg3575», «Stripper:Source 1.2.2-hg62» и «REVOLUTiON Emulator 11.06.2012».
+ (CSS) В раздел «Разное» добалена возможность обновления плагинов «Metamod:Source» с 1.8.7 до 1.9.0 версии, «SourceMod» с 1.4.4 до 1.4.7-hg357 версии и «Stripper:Source» с 1.2.2 до 1.2.2-hg62 версии.
• (MINECRAFT) В версиях «CraftBukkit» исправлен баг, из-за которого при некоторых обстоятельствах невозможно было запускать другие «CraftBukkit» сервера.
+ (MINECRAFT) Добавлены версии «CraftBukkit v1.3.1-R2.0 #2340», «Minecraft v1.3.2» и «CraftBukkit v1.3.2-R1.0 #2377».
+ (CODMW3) Добавлена поддержка 1.9.446 и 1.9.448 версии игры.
+ (TERRARIA) Добавлена поддержка сервера «TerrariaShock v3.9.0.526».
+ (TERRARIA) Добавлено отображение количества игроков находящихся на игровом сервере и функция автозапуска.
Из всех изменений наиболее интересно исправления бага в Minecraft серверах «CraftBukkit», из-за которого при некоторых обстоятельствах невозможно было запускать другие «CraftBukkit» сервера, а также добавление долгожданных многими новых версий плагинов для Counter-Strike: Source.

Скидки с 1 по 7 октября 2012 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе или продлении хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Counter-Strike — скидка 15%
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch — скидка 25%
Day of Defeat: Source — скидка 35%

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Shared Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Improved the performance and stability of the libraries used for in-game HTML display
Team Fortress 2
- Added new promo items
- Fixed hats sometimes appearing multiple times in incorrect locations when changing classes
- Fixed Demoman shields not reducing explosive damage in non-MvM games
- Fixed the tf_bot_add command using the same name for all of the bots when adding multiple bots simultaneously
- Updated the localization files
- Moved map descriptions into the localization files
- Map descriptions will still be loaded from the maps folder first if they exist
- Updated Mann vs. Machine
- Fixed a bug where players could only buy 1 upgrade at a time from the upgrade station
- Fixed a bug where the Victory dialog would sometimes show during incorrect times

Counter-Strike: Source Update Released
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Counter-Strike: Source. The major changes include:- Fixed a client crash bug caused by overflow of the audio cache
- Fixed a bug that allowed server browser network activity to continue after choosing a server

Garry's Mod Update Released
Updates to Garry's Mod have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:- Fixed issues caused by Friday's engine update

Скидки с 24 по 30 сентября 2012 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе или продлении хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Minecraft — скидка 25%
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero — скидка 35%
Dystopia — скидка 45%

Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released
Updates to Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:- Updated with other Orange Box client/server fixes

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Fixed a client crash bug caused by overflow of the audio cache
- Fixed a bug that allowed server browser network activity to continue after choosing a server
Team Fortress 2
- Added new promo items
- Unlocked the "What's in the Sandvich Box?"
- Unlocked the "What's in the Companion Square Box?"
- Fixed a server crash related to Demoman bot AI
- Updated the Tin Pot to use the correct skin for each style
- Fixed seeing the fire texture on Gold Botkiller items in DirectX 8
- Updated the localization files
- Updated Mann vs. Machine
- Matchmaking search criteria supports selecting multiple missions
- Mann Up servers will retry notification of mission victory to game coordinator, to ensure loot is eventually granted in the case of service disruption
- Matchmaking will prevent late joining into the a server near the end of the last wave
- Added a new currency UI element to indicate money that is active in the world
- Added the tour number to the information on the scoreboard
- Fixed the Medigun overheal duration attribute causing the overheal effect to decay faster, rather than slower
- Added the ability to buy projectile penetration for the Crusader's Crossbow
- Fixed a false positive for the achievement "Clockwork Carnage"
- Added a new command "bot_hurt"
- Parameters -name [bot name], -team [red/blue/all], -damage [amount]
- Fixed the Demoman shields not saving their upgrades upon round reset
- Updated koth_king
- Reflections fixed for the floors and some glass windows
- Modified model file for the sign 6 through 9 to avoid Red signs on Blu side of the map
- Modified light pole to merge bulb and pole into a single model for perf
- Fixed location where mini-sentries can shoot through a bush without being seen
- Clipping pass
- Added glass on footbridge roof and lights nearby
- Prop reduction for perf
- Some props changed to non-solid for player mobility
- Adjusted health and ammo in various spots
- Community requests:
- Add a new server ConVar "tf_avoidteammates_pushaway" to control whether or not teammates push each other away when occupying the same space
- Add a new server ConVar "tf_arena_override_team_size" to allow server owners to set the maximum team size in arena mode

Left 4 Dead 2 Update Released
Updates to Left 4 Dead 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:- Console commands update_addon_paths and unload_all_addons can't be used while connected to a server.
- Some custom UI's give the ability to change which add-ons are active from the in-game menu. Now those changes won't be applied until the player returns to the lobby or main menu.
- Melee weapon scripts can optionally define the HUD icon data inside the script, similar to other weapons. See golfclub.txt for a format sample.
- Fixed a rare crash in the Spitter attack.
- Fixed a rare crash in bot navigation involving ladders.

Всего записей — 326, показано с 251 по 260