
Team Fortress 2 Update Released (v1.2.2.8)
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:- Added new promo items
- Added replay_name ConVar to set the name of the replay bot
- Added a notification to Steam Trading when a user's backpack is full
- Fixed tv_name ConVar not working
- Fixed non-robot Snipers playing some of the robot Sniper lines
- Fixed the looping tank sound not playing if it was spawned far from the player
- Fixed Monoculus health bar not showing when Monoculus spawns
- Fixed tank destruction effects playing at the map origin
- Fixed bots not displaying in the server browser properly
- Updated the localization files
- Updated Koth_King
- Added some geometry to hide floating staircases outside of playspace
- Performance improvements from prop reduction, additional surfaces tagged as nodraw, and reduced overlay counts
- Fixed some building faces where extra faces were being generated behind windows/etc due to spaces in geometry
- Updated Mvm_Decoy
- Updated Mvm_Coaltown
- Blocked bots from being blasted into the tank tunnel
- Blocked giants from getting stuck under the stairs in the final pit
- Updated Mvm_Mannworks
- Blocked bots from being blasted into the tank tunnel
- Added nobuild to stairs on center building where Engineers could build out of reach of Sentry Busters
- MvM changes
- Fixed a client money display issue when purchasing or selling bottle charges after changing classes
- Fixed an issue in the Server Browser where replay bots would add to the player count
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the bomb to get positioned incorrectly when dropped
- Added safeguards to prevent bots from getting stuck in certain cases
- Fixed sniper rifle reload upgrade not reducing the time delay from hip shot to scoping
- Fixed Steel Gauntlet robots failing to destroy minisentries on slopes
- Fixed the party leader’s mission completions showing in the game lobby instead of your own
- Community-submitted schema changes:
- Backpack sounds updated for Rogue's Col Roule, Cozy Camper, Scrap Pack, Professor's Pineapple, Scottish Handshake, Monoculus!, Manniversary Paper Hat, Party Hat, Googly Gazer, Liquor Locker, and Something Special For Someone Special
- Weapon sound changes:
- The Pain Train now uses Equalizer sounds
- The Conscientious Objector now uses Kurkri sounds
- The Amputator now uses Bonesaw sounds
- The Solemn Vow now sounds like a wrench
- The Market Gardener now uses Shovel sounds
- The Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker now uses the Horsemann's Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker sounds
- Weapon crafting changes:
- The Teufort Tooth Kickers and Professor's Peculiarity are now craftable
- The Cozy Camper, Sun-on-a-Stick, and Sharpened Volcano Fragment are now craftable with tokens
- Weapon cosmetic changes:
- Added new styles to the Big Country, Professor's Peculiarity, and Copper's Hard Top
- The Third Degree now vaporizes enemies on kill like the Phlogistinator and the Manmelter
- Loosened equip region restrictions for the Whiskered Gentleman, Sight For Sore Eyes, Googly Gazer, and Nine-Pipe Problem
- The Birdcage, HOUWAR, and Scrap Pack can now get kill assists in Pyroland
- Updated attribute text to be more clear on the Loch-N-Load, Force-A-Nature, Soda Popper, and Family Business
- Weapon functionality is unchanged

Скидки с 3 по 9 сентября 2012 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе или продлении хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare — скидка 25%
Left 4 Dead — скидка 45%
Day of Defeat — скидка 65%

Обновление панели управления (v2.35 Beta)
Сегодня вышло очередное обновление нашей панели управления игровыми серверами.Список изменений следующий:
+ Добавлена поддержка игрового сервера «Counter-Strike: Global Offensive».
+ (CSGO) Добавлены плагины «Metamod:Source 1.9.0-hg799» и «SourceMod 1.5.0-hg3630».
+ (CS) Добавлен плагин «Dproto 0.9.179».
• (COD4) Исправлено некорректное отображение кириллицы в чате игры выдаваемое плагином «Manu Admin Mod».
+ (COD4) Добавлены плагины «Promod LIVE 2.11» и «Modstuff fix by QuakeHost.ru 0.11.4 beta».
Из всех изменений особо интересно добавление «Modstuff fix by QuakeHost.ru 0.11.4 beta» для игры «Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare», которое исправляет ошибки в плагине «Manu Admin Mod», из-за которых на некоторых физ. серверах плагин мог аварийно завершать работу. Кроме того, после установки исправления Ваш сервер появится в списке серверов на официальном сайте мода http://manuadminmod.de/serverlist/

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Release Notes for CS:GO update 2012-08-30[ Gameplay ]
- Adjusted footstep volume fade out and maximum audible distance to match source/1.6.
- Increased default Casual match length to 15 rounds.
- Fixed an issue that caused the AWP to zoom to the wrong level after reloading.
- Tuned flinch aimpunch values.
- Fixed a bug in the penetration code that incorrectly determined the exit spot as being not solid when it was which allowed penetrating much further than it should have.
[ UI ]
- Added x-ray vision of own teammates for dead players.
- Added new spectator UI that shows both team’s active weapon, player name, health, armor, etc, when spectating a 10 player match.
- Added a new convar "sv_competitive_official_5v5" that:
o Forces a match to display 5v5 scoreboards regardless of maxplayers setting ( Allows setting maxplayers to 12 to allow spectators into a 5v5 match ).
o Allows connected spectators to see both teams in x-ray.
- Added support for international characters in play with friends lobby chat.
- Fixed an issue that caused the mouse cursor to reset its mouse position when clicking on the UI when the window didn't have focus.
- Fixed being able to open the radio menu when you were an observer.
- You can't toggle the scoreboard in half-time now
- Fixed the scoreboard win animation firing before the scoreboard was told to come up in the end match state and was usually missed
- The countdown timer now flashes prior to the start of a match.
[ General ]
- Reduced frequency of polling server console to save CPU.
- Fixed a rare crash when applying decals.
- Significantly improved precision of dedicated server frames to match tickrate.
- Clamped dedicated server fps to match quantized tickrate.
- Fixed two exploits. One that would allow players to see out of smoke with much more clarity than players could see them if they were boosted up while inside the smoke volume. Also made the smoke a tad shorter/smaller. Two, fixed players being able to see through a few trains out of the corner of their screens on de_train and de_train_se. Thanks Volcano.
- Fixed messages in scoreboard overlapping at end match.
- To pass a vote in competitive mode, all eligible voters minus one must now vote yes
[ Community Servers ]
- Fixed cases when values of some convars set on community servers would not correctly replicate to clients.
- Game modes configuration file now specifies cfg files to exec instead of keyvalue pairs of convars to make it easier for server operators to configure their game modes. To tweak game modes it would be sufficient to provide gamemode_competitive_server.cfg and _server.cfg files for other game modes which will exec after stock cfg files.
- Linux: running srcds_run with -autoupdate will now update the server during hibernation, in addition to changelevel.
- Fixed an issue that was limiting connectivity to community servers to only 25 players.
- Deprecated mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half. Use mp_maxrounds instead.
- Changed timelimit matches to stop at round end instead of exactly when the limit expires.

Скидки с 27 августа по 2 сентября 2012 года
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию скидки на хостинг игровых серверов. При заказе хостинга игрового сервера на срок от трех месяцев, Вам будет предложена существенная скидка.На этой неделе скидки распространяются на следующие игры:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 — скидка 25%
Sven Co-op — скидка 45%
D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up — скидка 65%

Бета-тестирование хостинга CS: Global Offensive завершено
Бета-тестирование хостинга игровых Counter-Strike: Global Offensive серверов завершено. Все работает корректно, никаких жалоб не поступает.Стоимость слота установлена в размере 17 рублей. По цене получилось что-то среднее между хостингом Counter-Strike (14 руб. за слот) и Counter-Strike: Source (21 руб. за слот).
Заказать сервер Вы можете здесь.
Продлить сервер, изменить количество слотов или тип сервера Вы можете в панеле управления.

Left 4 Dead 2 Update Released
Updates to Left 4 Dead 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:- Added protection against possible memory corruption from oddly sized avatar images
- Added handlers for two crash types that weren't getting picked up by our crash reporting system
- Added dlc directories to whitelist for consistency checking
- Flagged whitelist.cfg, motd.txt and host.txt to not clobber local versions on updates
- Updated some translations

[CSS] Решение проблем вызванных обновлением от 23.08.2012
Уважаемые заказчики Counter-Strike: Source серверов.После установки очередного обновления от Valve Вы возможны столкнетесь (или уже столкнулись) с проблемой запуска своего игрового сервера.
Эти проблемы вызваны не стабильной работой плагина SourceMod на новой версии игры. Для решения этой проблемы, скачайте и установите через FTP на свой сервер следующую сборку http://quakehost.net/files/css/sourcemod-24082012.zip
Сборка включает в себя плагины:
- Metamod:Source 1.9.0-hg797
- SourceMod 1.5.0-hg3625
- SDK Hooks 2.2.0-dev-hg203
Перед установкой отлючите свой сервер. Устанавливать эту сборку необходимо поверх плагинов Metamod:Source и SourceMod установленных ранее через панель управления. Установив эту сборку все Ваши настройки сохраняться, ничего не пропадет. Если на вашем сервере ранее были отключены некоторые стандартные плагины SourceMod'a — переместите соответствующие файлы плагинов в папку disabled.
Это временное решение, и оно со странными особенностями. После первого запуска сервера, он упадет примерно через минуту. После повторного запуска сервер будет работать корректно и без падений. Так что не удивляйтесь этому.
Если Вы ничего не поняли, то наши специалисты с удовольствием выполнят эту работу за Вас в рамках услуг платного администрирования.

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and HL2: DM Updates Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
- Added a new command "kickall" which kicks all connected clients except for replay, HLTV, and the listenserver host if applicable
- Updated Steam binaries; fixes Linux crash on shutdown or restart
Team Fortress 2
- Fixed a problem with items not displaying the correct styles
- Added a new command "player_ready_toggle" for players to ready-up in MvM mode
- Can be bound to any key in the Keyboard tab of the Options dialog
- Fixed the Metal Regen upgrade displaying a percentage instead of an incremental value
- Fixed a few MvM sounds not being precached properly
- Added Taskbar Window Flash and Drum Roll sound on successful match making for Windows users
- Sound will play even if the game is minimized
- Added difficulty text "Normal" and "Advanced" to the MvM scoreboard when playing official Valve missions
- Fixed UI Bugs related to the MvM splash screens (Wave Loss and Victory)
- Fixed a UI Bug that would display previous MvM loot on the victory screen for subsequent MvM games
- Server browser will now show MvM mission name in the "map" column. (E.g. "mvm_mannworks_advanced")
- Community requests
- Fixed a crash when spawning the tank in non-MvM games. Added SetHealth, SetMaxHealth, AddHealth, and RemoveHealth inputs to the tank entity
- The tf_bot_add command can now create a bot with a custom name and can create a bot that isn't managed by the value of tf_bot_quota by adding the custom name and "noquota" arguments respectively

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Release notes for 8/23 Update[ Gameplay ]
- Exposed a classic dynamic crosshair style in the options that represents the weapons spread accurately.
- Implemented first person client flinching. Now a player gets aim punched a bit when shot. The amount is based on the damage.
- Increased amount of tagging that results from hits.
[ Bugs ]
- Fixed the scoreboard turning toggleable in the end match state.
- fixed not being able to bring up the pause menu without dismissing the scoreboard in the end match state.
- Parallelized matchmaking results analysis process and reduced time game takes to perform matchmaking.
- Improved matchmaking algorithm giving more weight to dedicated servers ping during matchmaking results analysis.
[ Community ]
- Removed the implicit dependency on round-limited matches so servers that want to use mp_timelimit instead can. Mp_timelimit is used only if mp_maxrounds is set to 0.
- Exposed mp_forcecamera convar.
- Exposed set of server hibernate convars.
- Fixed code that was preventing mapper-placed weapons.

Всего записей — 326, показано с 271 по 280